the twit


    photopost: new england wandering (parts 2-5)

    part 2: amherst walk + drive

    in the heart of fall, when the air has the quality of vodka--good vodka--that's been left in the freezer for a long, long time. a place where i can have absolutely nothing to do and be content for days. also, the land of good beer.

    part 3: the kitchen cabinet band practice

    a detour to the city. made it in time to hang out with mikey's band. stuffed in a columbia dorm room and unplugged except for the bass. beautiful people + beautiful songs.

    part 4: nyc to providence

    woke up at 8am on john's birthday. every intention of leaving in time to make it to brown for lunch. then, the realization that i hadn't closed my tab at the club we were at last night (where, strangely enough, moby was the dj). had left to walk an old friend to the train, with all intention of returning. had not returned. a morning/afternoon of wandering chinatown, soho, little italy in search for a bowtie for john. ended up with mugs depicting chinese erotic art and a bag full of other treasures from a grocery store eerily similar to one i frequented in beijing. then, to john--on his birthday.

    part 5: brown

    simply, epic. a poem to follow. these pictures are from the peripheral moments of a maelstrom.

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