the twit


    a recipe for bees

    a recipe for bees:

    Kill a young bull, and bury it in an upright position so that its horns protrude from the ground. After a month, a swarm of bees will fly out of the corpse.

    a recipe for the best sleep in your life:

    Stay up until 5 in the morning arguing with brilliant people about the inadequacies of the program you belong to, and (a) the indirect value of its inadequacies - namely, good arguments with brilliant people (b) the feasibility/worth of creating a satisfactory/sufficient/flexible program within the same basic model. After a day of attending mildly relevant classes for that program, the best sleep in your life will overcome you.


    15 hours of bliss and I'm still tired. Highway 7 was cheap and lifeless - littered with sooty, wasted puffs from cotton season - and a beam of sunlight pounded my solar plexus. I drifted in and out of sleep as Jake and I listened to taped lectures by/panel discussions with B.F. Skinner.


    Anonymous said...

    Hmmm, maybe you could bottle some of that and send it my way? (just the great sleep, not the bees since I'm allergic)

    faith said...

    geeez, listening to skinner tapes... no wonder you're still tired :)